Often utilized in arid dry and hot areas, direct evaporative cooling is the most basic type of air conditioning. By lowering the temperature and raising the humidity levels in an environment, this natural cooling technique improves comfort by supplying cool, fresh air.
For human comfort, temperature and humidity must be balanced. For example, a temperature of 40°C with 50% humidity can be extremely uncomfortable, yet the same humidity level at 30°C can be delightfully cool.
Since they can provide effective cooling coverage for large areas, direct evaporative cooling systems gained wide usage throughout the world. Provide human comfort by utilizing the natural process of evaporation, guaranteeing a cost-effective cooling solution.
It’s important to note that Evaporative Air Coolers help to raise the humidity levels within the building. It provides fresh cool air while reducing the temperature. It’s the balance between temperature and humidity that determines human comfort. Direct evaporative air coolers are globally popular because they produce large amounts of cooling in vast areas and provide human comfort through the natural process of evaporation.
For example, a temperature of 40°C with a humidity level of 50% can be quite uncomfortable, but the same humidity level at a temperature of 30°C can be pleasantly comfortable. Direct evaporate cooling system maintains the balance between humidity and temperature. Moreover, comfort is further enhanced by the increase in air movement. Direct Evaporative Cooling generate enough airflow to mitigate the discomfort caused by high humidity.