
Direct Coolers

Direct Evaporative Cooling systems utilize a water pump and a fan powered by a motor to expedite the natural process of heat exchange. The water pump distributes water to the cooling pads, while the motor driven fan propels hot external air through these cooling pads . In this process, air’s sensible heat the perceptible heat is converted into latent heat the heat that is not directly felt when water from the Evaporative Cooler evaporates into vapor. This transformation of sensible heat into latent heat leads to the cooling of hot air, as it utilizes some of the air’s perceptible heat. Consequently, the temperature of the air decreases. This cooled air is then distributed throughout the building and is ultimately vented outside, without being recirculated.

It’s important to note that Evaporative Air Coolers marginally raise the humidity levels within the building while reducing the temperature which is more of a critical factor. It’s the balance between temperature and humidity that determines human comfort. Evaporative Air Coolers are popular globally because they are capable of producing large amount of cooling for human comfort through natural process of evaporation . For instance, a humidity level of 60% combined with a temperature of 40°C can be quite uncomfortable, but the same humidity level at a temperature of 30°C can be pleasantly comfortable. Moreover, comfort is further enhanced by the increase in air movement in such mildly cooler conditions, and Evaporative Air Coolers generate enough air flow to mitigate the discomfort caused by high humidity.

Chart Explanation According to the UAE Climate


Advanced Design, Improved Air Delivery,
Significantly reduced noise levels

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